Target Platform : Android & iOS
Unity Version : 2019.2.20f1 (soon to be upgraded to 2019 LTS)
Repo URL : repository link
Rocky Rampage Coding Principles
Scene should be self-dependent.
Try our best to make scenes playable by its own.
Self-dependent scene makes testing and iteration much faster.
We are utilising App Installer to handle this.
Use singletons sparingly, rely on manual injections instead.
While singleton is extremely useful and simple in nature, it can lead to overuse and very tight dependency (see this discussion).
Therefore, rely on manual injections instead. If a class is depend on another class, provide the dependency when creating the instance (manual injection).
There are some exceptions for this, though. Support systems (AudioPlayer, etc.) typically use singletons because it is being used on so many different places.
All script must fall into an assembly definition.
We want scripts to have clear dependency, and assembly definition helps with this.
We are introducing usage of Unit Testing in RR, so it's mandatory for scripts to fall into assembly definition.
Use pure C# class, unless you need Unity's MonoBehaviour.
MonoBehaviour introduces some unnecessary overhead, so it's best to not overuse it for pure system class that manages data.
Using pure C# class also allows you to do Unit Test in Editor Mode rather than Play Mode, which is faster to setup and easier to maintain.
MonoBehaviours are used mostly in gameplay scripts and UI (see Project Architecture)
Adhere to SOLID principle and Clean Code.
Make classes and methods follows Single-Responsbility principle.
Know when to use direct reference, delegates, or events. Use them appropriately.
Use comments appropriately; try to make your code as readable as you can.
We do our best to always have a simultaneous release on our target platforms
Check if your code is successfully compiled on Editor and our target platforms.
Perform frequent tests in devices, especially when integrating native plugins.
Utilize build machine to help you with this.
We try our best to have nearly equal technical knowledge
For now, there's no distinct separation of roles between programmers.
Everyone should be able to work on every aspect of the game.
Team must regularly share knowledge of implementation.
Project Architecture
Last updated